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Possum Kingdom Lake Owners’ Association, Inc

aka Patterson PK Land Partnership, Ltd


Here are links to the recorded Road and Trash Covenants recorded in Palo Pinto, Stephens and Young Counties:

-Road and Trash Covenant for Possum Kingdom Lake effective October 25, 2010, from Patterson PK Land Partnership, Ltd., recorded in Volume 1743, Page 108, Official Public Records of Palo Pinto County, Texas.


Link to PPKLP Road & Trash - Palo Pinto Co

-Road and Trash Covenant for Possum Kingdom Lake effective October 25, 2010, from Patterson PK Land Partnership, Ltd., recorded in Volume 1988, Page 76, Official Public Records of Stephens County, Texas.


Link to PPKLP Road & Trash - Stephens Co

-Road and Trash Covenant for Possum Kingdom Lake effective October 25, 2010, from Patterson PK Land Partnership, Ltd., recorded in Volume 1084, Page 660, Official Public Records of Young County, Texas. 


Link to PPKLP Road & Trash - Young Co

The attached Request form can be used to request the following:

$125.00 for “Transfer Fee /Administration Fee”- REQUIRED. This is necessary to transfer property ownership on our records.

$375.00 for “Resale Certificate”- If requested. This certificate will indicate among other things the account status (delinquent or current) for the property and any unpaid and due amounts.

$75.00 for “Resale Certification Update”- If requested. This will update a previously issued Resale Certificate.

$500.00 for “Subordination Agreement and Estoppel Certificate” If requested. This document will subordinate the HOA’s first lien rights to those of the property owner’s new lender.(includes atty fee reimbursement)

$100.00 to expedite the return of the above documents via express mail. If requested.

Upon receipt of the completed attached Request form (mail or email) and a check made payable to Patterson PK Land Partnership, Ltd (or QuickBooks e-payment) in the proper amount we will provide the requested documents.

Possum Kingdom Lake Property Owners’ Association, Inc

aka Patterson PK Land Partnership, Ltd.


Stacia Imhoff

Telephone: 817-784-2014



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